• Big Friend Little Friend of the Mitchell Area

    • Non Profit Organizations
    • Community Organizations
    104 W 5th Ave
    Mitchell, SD 57301
    (605) 292-4444
    292-4444 (fax)
    Monday-Friday 9am-5pm
    • Jobs

      School-Based Mentors Needed
      Category: Non-Profit Volunteer
      Volunteering as a school-based mentor is a rewarding experience that can positively impact the life of a student in our community. Mentors offer guidance, support, and encouragement. They help students with social skills, provide a listening ear, and are a constant positive role model in their life. School-based mentors visit their Little Friend weekly at their school and play board games, cards, ...read more


      Linda McEntee
      Phone:(605) 292-4444

      Member Events

    • Mitchell Area Development Corporation